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INDUSTRIAL HEMP ACT, 2023 INTRODUCED TODAY by U.S. Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Mike Braun (R-IN)!

We are PROUD to share the incredible step accomplished by the Hemp Exemption team of AgHS, IND Hemp and the National Hemp Association: today, U.S. Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Mike Braun (R-IN) introduced the Industrial Hemp Act of 2023, to break down barriers for farmers interested in participating in the hemp industry.

While hemp has been growing, again, in the United States for the last nine years, the regulatory hassles and risk do not justify the return for the farmer. When fiber or grain is the only intended harvested material, there is no rationale to burden these farmers with background checks or costly sampling and testing protocols.

The Industrial Hemp Act of 2023 removes these barriers and provides an opportunity for a robust domestic supply chain and market.

It’s time we cut red tape, and make it easier for industrial hemp farmers to get their product to market. My bipartisan bill builds on Montana’s leadership on hemp policy and creates good-paying jobs for folks across rural America.Senator Jon Tester (D-MT)

"This legislation will expand opportunities for industrial hemp producers in Indiana and across the country and allow them to tap into one of the fastest growing agricultural markets.Senator Mike Braun (R-IN)

When the 2018 Farm Bill took the ‘industrial’ out of the industrial hemp definition, we lost an important distinction between very different crops.” Morgan Tweet, Founder and COO, IND HEMP The current regulatory framework, which revolves around the perceived risk of cannabinoids, makes it untenable for hemp to be placed in a rotation with other common commodity crops like corn, soy, or wheat.Erica Stark, National Hemp Association, Executive Director

The Industrial Hemp Act of 2023 provides the regulatory ease and clarity needed to bring grain and fiber hemp back into rotation.Courtney N. Moran, LL.M., Chief Legislative Strategist, Agricultural Hemp Solutions

We are so grateful for our Supporters and send an extra special THANK YOU to our Campaign Sponsors who have helped us get us to Introduction!

Id you aren't already, GET INVOLVED NOW!

Please contribute by making a monthly donation which will help us ensure bill passage!

Together, let's reduce the burdens on farmers who grow grain and fiber hemp and bring our supply chain back to the U.S.!

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