Yesterday, Agricultural Hemp Solutions, LLC founder and Chief Legislative Strategist, Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. joined Senator Jeff Merkley in Oregon at his press conference hailing the hemp provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill. Senator Merkley emphasized it took a bi-partisan effort to pass this important piece of legislation that re-legalizes hemp in the United States. He also thanked everyone who participated in the passage of this important piece of legislation. He gave a special thank you to Ms. Moran for all the pro-bono work she put into the effort to see the bill’s passage and that it was comprehensive.
Courtney’s speech was filled with hope for the future of hemp. Hope that finally hemp has come out of the regulation of the DEA and will find a place amongst other crops as a new commodity that farmers can rely on to add into their crop rotations. She also gave thanks to all the legislators, advocates, staffers and farmers who have been in the fight for so long. We at AGHS know that passing complicated legislation takes an army of people and we are proud to be amongst the fold that fought long and hard to see hemp removed from the control of the DEA and the DOJ. We do however understand that our work is not done and now we must continue to ensure hemp does not become overregulated and is treated like other agricultural crops. AGHS also will advocate to ensure that some hemp products (including those labeled CBD) are regulated like other herbal products and we will not quit until hemp is regulated appropriately. Below is an excerpt from Courtney’s speech from the press conference.
“The 2018 Farm Bill signed into law on December 20, 2018 provided for full federal hemp legalization by amending 6 federal acts including fully removing hemp from the Controlled Substances Act and providing a clear definition for hemp that includes all its derivatives, extracts, and cannabinoids.
Now federally legal, USDA and FDA will regulate hemp and hemp products. We are now in a transition period from the research agricultural pilot programs established in 2014 to full federal legalization programs with primary regulatory oversight by state and tribal governments.
Implementation of the hemp legalization provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill will provide for federal crop insurance for farmers, federal research funding, easier access to banking, and full plant organic certification.
I am grateful to all those brave souls who began advocating for the return of hemp decades ago, and who provided the foundation for folks like myself to continue to pursue our dream of full hemp legalization until it was achieved.
I give a special thank you the Congressmen and women and Senators across the United States, in particular to Senator Jeff Merkley, Senator Ron Wyden, Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul who knew and see the agricultural and environmental benefits and the economic opportunity hemp will provide to these United States.”