Today marks another victorious milestone for AgHS, our colleagues, and supporters of the Industrial Hemp Act with the release of the House Farm Bill!
This morning, the U.S. House Ag Committee, chaired by Glenn "GT" Thompson (R-PA), released the draft House Farm Bill text, which includes the core concepts of the Industrial Hemp Act and other important updates to federal hemp law.
Key Provisions of the House Farm Bill Base Bill Include:
~ Maintains current definition of "Hemp"
~ Adds NEW Definitions for:
Hemp Grown for Cannabinoid Extraction
Industrial Hemp (fiber, grain, micro-greens, research hemp)
~ Designation by Farmers of Type of Production
~ For Industrial Hemp Producers- authorization of sampling plans that allow for either visual inspections, performance-based sampling methodologies, certified seed, or a similar procedure
~ Removal of Felony Ban for Industrial Hemp Producers
~ IHA enforcement authority (5 year ineligibility for inconsistent production w/ designation)
~ USDA laboratory accreditation certificate authority
‘‘(3) INDUSTRIAL HEMP.—The term ‘industrial hemp’ means hemp—‘‘(A) grown for the use of the stalk of the plant, fiber produced from such a stalk, or any other non-cannabinoid derivative, mixture, preparation, or manufacture of such a stalk; ‘‘(B) grown for the use of the whole grain,oil, cake, nut, hull, or any other noncannabinoid compound, derivative, mixture, preparation, or manufacture of the seeds of such plant; ‘‘(C) that is an immature hemp plant intended for human consumption; ‘‘(D) that is a plant that does not enter the stream of commerce and is intended to support hemp research at an institution of higher education... or an independent research institute; or ‘‘(E) grown for the use of a viable seed of the plant produced solely for the production manufacture of [Industrial Hemp]"
Read the Full Farm Bill Draft Text Here.
(Hemp Provisions begin on page 740)
Over the past 2.5 years, AgHS has led efforts on the Industrial Hemp Act, with collaboration and support from the National Hemp Association and IND Hemp, and colleagues and stakeholders around the country.
With extensions and delays by both the House and Senate Committees, we applaud the House Ag. Committee for releasing draft bill language in advance of the Commitee Markup scheduled for next week Thursday, May 23. We send a special THANK YOU to Chairman Thompson, the House Agriculture Committee staff, and the House Agriculture Committee Membership for their leadership and support in advancing hemp policy!
I send a heartfelt THANK YOU to IND Hemp, Ken Elliot, and Morgan Tweet for trusting my team and me in navigating this historic policy advancement for our industry.
I especially THANK and ACKNOWLEDGE Erica Stark, Geoff Whaling, Marne Coit, and Marcus Grignon for our coordination, collaboration, and exciting trips to D.C.!
We send an additional THANK YOU to Chad Rosen, Greg Wilson, Gary Sikes, and Bonny Jo Peterson for all of their hard work and support with key offices throughout this process.
We're a ways from the finish line, but today marks a victorious milestone!
With Gratitude,
Courtney N. Moran, LL.M.
Chief Legislative Strategist
Is Your Business Ready for the Changes Proposed by the Farm Bill base text?
Do You Have Policy Goals you still want to see in this Farm Bill?
THERE IS STILL TIME! Have our expert team elevate your message to Congress before it's too late!
Partner with AgHS by scheduling a consultation:, 202-656-7023.