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We believe
in the future of
American Agriculture.

Agricultural Hemp Solutions' experienced lobbyists deliver YOUR VISION to Congress & your legislature.​


When we represent your business, we confidently lead you through the legislative process to achieve your federal & state policy goals!

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Courtney N. Moran, LL.M.
Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

The Oregon State Bar recently announced Courtney N. Moran as the second recipient of the Leland R. Berger Lifetime Achievement Award!​

The Leland R. Berger Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest recognition that the Cannabis and Psychedelics Law Section bestows on one of its members, and Courtney Moran is the first woman and only the second individual to receive the award.

Agricultural Policy Lobbyists

Agricultural Hemp Solutions has the expertise and proven track record to successfully lobby your policy goals into legislation signed into law and implemented into agency rule.


We began our policy work because of a shared passion for supporting farmers, agriculture, rural communities, the environment, and conscious sustainability.  


By partnering with the Agricultural Hemp Solutions team, we'll strategize with you and your team to set policy goals, draft legislative text, lobby for bill introduction and passage, provide expert testimony at hearings, actively engage in administrative rulemaking and submission of comments, guide agencies and law enforcement on program implementation, coordinate messaging, and lead with your business to ensure overall success.


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Our Services

At Agricultural Hemp Solutions, we offer comprehensive lobbyist representation and client-tailored consulting to achieve your legislative and policy goals.

Legislative Drafting

With an award-winning and internationally recognized attorney at our helm, we have the unique skill set to draft legislative and regulatory text in-house!
This helps ensure the true intent behind your policy is in the introduced bill and any amendments further crafted by capitol legislative counsel.

Legislative Campaigns

Our Senator-endorsed Chief Legislative Strategist will guide your company with confidence and ease through the legislative process. Agricultural Hemp Solutions excels in comprehensive lobbying representation, leading you from idea to bill passage to policy implementation. 


Our experienced team has successfully represented global corporations and national brands, as well as local and national non-profits. Staying compliant with ever-changing regulations is a necessity — we provide comprehensive compliance reviews, informed consulting on how law or policy may impact your business, and client-tailored representation.

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“In a sentence, we would not have hemp legalization without Courtney.”

Sen. Ron Wyden  |  (D-OR)

Let’s Work Together

(202) 656-7023
Agricultural Hemp Solutions, LLC 
3439 NE Sandy Blvd. #672
Portland, Oregon 97232
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